♪ Pa-pum ♪
[Ezran] Previously on The Dragon Prince…
The fallen star…
has returned.
[Zubeia] A magical prison was created meant to hold this villain for eternity.
Rex Igneous, the Archdragon of Earth.
He may hold the clue to the prison's location.
I got it, lizard in a hat.
What in the "lizard in a hat"?
It was the dragon in the mountain.
He's leading us to Umber Tor.
Home of the great Rex Igneous.
Dad is dead, Claudia.
You don't have to do what he wants anymore.
No. No.
We made it!
The lair of Rex Igneous.
[theme music playing]
[somber epic music playing]
Don't worry, Zym!
It's just a picture. He's probably not really that scary.
[scoffs] Zym! You really should have told me earlier!
[Callum] What's going on?
So it turns out there was a reason Zubeia wanted Zym to stay home.
[sighs] Rex Igneous and Zym's dad?
They were kind of old rivals.
They really, really, really did not like each other.
Well, we need Rex in a good mood.
Hmm, we can't just stuff you in Ezran's bag anymore, can we, Zym?
Runaan used to cast a simple disguise spell to hide us in a pinch.
Did he ever teach you? Could you do it?
Me? I've never done it before.
Besides, it needs moon energy.
And I've never felt further from the moon than right now.
[mystical music plays]
Oh! The moon opal!
Would this help you feel a bit moonier?
It… does actually.
-Hmm, a disguise for Zym. -[grumbles]
Okay, here goes nothing.
[inhales deeply]
Mystica Canis!
[magical music playing]
[zappy barking]
[laughing] Good dog!
Now try barking without the zaps!
[normally barks]
Uh, perfect! Problem solved!
Yeah! As long as Rex Igneous likes your gifts,
we might live through this!
Uh… gifts?
Yeah, I said it before!
To talk to Rex, you need to bring him a worthy gift.
[Zym whimpers]
-[calm music playing] -[birds chirping]
[signing] Ah! Embertail has a new friend!
Yes, this is Aegis.
Embertail thinks Aegis is cute, but won't admit it yet.
[Embertail huffs]
[signing] So did you want to talk in the stables,
or are we going somewhere?
There's something serious I need to talk to you about.
[sighs] But not here.
Just follow me.
[serious epic music playing]
[Embertail growls]
[door opens]
[serious music playing]
What are you doing?
We shouldn't be seen together!
I just saw my sister and her wife-to-be leave the camp.
-And? -Our Queen flies off
to a romantic picnic in broad daylight!
What does that say to her people living in tents?
Have you been speaking with the other Horns?
Do they understand the problem?
Yes. They are… unhappy, as we are.
But I don't know that they are ready to take action against her, Karim.
These things take time.
[clicks tongue, scoffs] We don't have time.
Do you know the story of the war of blood and ash?
[ominous music playing]
Yep. This is definitely a dragon's lair.
Sure, but… where's the dragon?
The war of blood and ash was a tragic chapter
in our empire's history.
Long ago, the King of Lux Aurea went mad, and ruled as a tyrant.
His brother, the first Golden Knight, led his armies to dethrone the king,
and there was a great civil war.
As their armies clashed, Lux Aurea knew nothing but death and fire.
[somber music playing]
Ash blackened the sky, and the sun shone red as blood.
The Golden Knight saw what chaos his war had wrought.
To put a stop to it, he issued his brother a challenge:
a duel to the death.
The victor would rule Lux Aurea.
Did he win?
He did, but the point of the story is not who won.
The duel stopped the war.
From then on,
any elf of Lux Aurea could demand a duel of blood and ash.
You intend to challenge the Queen!
[sighs] It's the only way.
Tell the other Horns: I will deliver this challenge tomorrow at sunrise.
-[whimpers, howls] -[chirps]
[Zym pants]
[grunts, groans]
Where's the big bad dragon?
Knock-knock, anyone home? Hello?
Maybe we just came at a bad time?
[scoffs] Well, sorry the end of the world
didn't fit neatly into your busy schedule, Rex!
[water bubbling]
[low rumbling]
[serious music playing]
[dragon rumbling]
Oh wise and powerful Archdragon of Earth!
Oh master of boulders great, and pebbles small!
Oh shaker of soil and, uh, grower of… grass!
I am N'than of the Drakewood,
humble guide to these travelers, who have braved the depths of Umber Tor
to seek your audience!
-[low rumbles] -[clears throat]
Contrary to tradition, they… um, have not brought you gifts, however--
But I think if you just give them a chance,
you'll find they're very nice--
[Rayla] Wait!
I have brought a gift, great dragon.
I am Rayla of the Silvergrove, and I offer you my butterfly blades.
They are crafted of pure moonsilver, the only two of their kind.
They were made just for me by an expert metalsmith.
I was trained to use them by a master assassin.
[somber music playing]
Those two elves were like fathers to me,
but I don't think I'll ever see them again.
These blades are all I have to remember them by.
Accept them, Great Dragon, as my gift to you.
[low rumbles]
[Rex Igneous rumbles]
Yes, uh! I, too, have brought a gift, Great Dragon!
It's, um… [sighs]
I offer this staff.
It was given to me,
despite everything wrong humans have ever done with magic.
It means a lot. [sighs]
So now I entrust it to you.
[low rumbles, huffs]
I am King Ezran of Katolis.
As my gift, I offer you my crown.
It has no jewels and it isn't made of precious metal.
It's made from the steel of my father's sword.
My father was a strong king,
and I wanted to carry that strength with me.
But he also taught me that strength isn't always about weapons and war.
This crown reminds me of that lesson.
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[scoffs, sighs]
Two knives, a stick and a hat.
[sighs] Did you really think I would be moved by these trinkets?
[serene music playing]
[signing] So. Talk to me.
We've lost so much.
My people are so afraid, so uncertain.
When they look to me as Queen, I can feel them reaching for hope.
[somber music playing]
But I am uncertain! I am afraid!
How can I give them hope when I have been filled with doubt?
That's why I thought, maybe you and I, we could… leave.
We could go to Katolis, live peacefully together.
At least Karim would lead the people with some sense of certainty.
[signing] Forget Karim, this is not about him.
What life do you want?
What life do I want?
[Rayla] Wait! I don't understand!
All of that, and our gifts weren't enough?
Enough? [scoffs]
Look around you.
I sleep amongst piles of legendary treasures.
Every finely crafted weapon loses its shine.
Every relic's power goes dim.
-All things rust and rot around me! -[metals clink loudly]
I am as tired of gifts as I am of visitors.
So let's get on with it, shall we?
You will run, I will chase, you will die.
Wait. I think I have something you might like.
Uh… Ez? He's right, this is the part where we run.
No, we've got this all wrong.
We offered gifts that meant a lot to us.
But the truth is, they don't mean anything to you.
All my favorite gifts were surprises.
Things I didn't even know I wanted.
That's the one thing you haven't had in forever: a surprise.
Something new!
A brown sludge tart!
This is your offering? A pastry?
Oh, well, if you don't want it…
No, wait, no. I will try your… tart. [rumbles]
Hm. It's… creamy, but bitter.
Flaky but firm.
Sweet, with just… the slightest hint of salt.
[chuckles] Hm…
And as it melts, it gives way to a taste of such depth.
[gasps] This is…
It's delicious.
In all my centuries, I've never tasted anything like this.
It's brand new!
Now that, little King, is a worthy gift. [laughs]
-[all sigh in relief] -[whimpers]
I suppose I am now obligated to "grant you an audience".
Very well.
You may ask… one question.
Rex Igneous…
our question is… where is the prison of the Archmage Aaravos?
[laughs] Oh, dear,
You think I would reveal to you, tiny children,
the location of the most dangerous being in all of Xadia?
You said you'd answer one question!
Oh, yes. Provided the answer to your question
would not endanger the entire world.
I thank you for the lovely baked treat. Goodbye.
You don't understand!
We were sent by the Dragon Queen herself!
Zubeia sent you?
Yes! The threat is real, and she needs your help!
[roars loudly]
Zubeia sent you?
If she needs help,
why not call on her great and powerful Avizandum to save Xadia?
Or is the Dragon King too busy picking fights with little humans at the Border?
That was always his favorite sport:
stomping on ants and calling himself a conqueror.
Everything Avizandum did was to protect Xadia.
Protect Xadia? Ha!
Avizandum wants an endless war.
He loves to provoke and destroy human armies,
it makes him feel big and powerful.
And it'll get him killed one day, but he'll love that, too.
[mockingly] Avizandum, the great martyred hero of Xadia!
-[snarls] -[roars]
[Ezran] Zym!
Ha! An illusion! What is this?
This is Azymondias, son of Avizandum.
The Dragon Prince!
What life do I want?
There's only one thing I really know.
Amaya, I want to marry you.
I want a life with you.
[signing] That's not an answer.
Are you saying that because you don't want to be queen?
Do I want to be queen?
I didn't think so at first. But now…
Yes! Absolutely yes, I do, I want to be the Queen of my people.
But it's not that simple:
how can I have that, and the life I want with you at the same time?
In Lux Aurea there is a saying.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too!
[signing] Amaya has a saying. Just have two cakes.
Just have two cakes.
Two cakes?
Just have two cakes?
That isn't at all what the saying means--
[serene music playing]
[signing] Two cakes!
Two cakes!
[dreadful music playing]
Treachery! Deception!
Wait! Listen to me!
Avizandum sends his own son disguised as a dog to taunt me?
Too afraid to look me in the eye after all this time?
Too cowardly to face me?
[laughs] This is a new low for the great Avizandum!
Avizandum is dead!
Avizandum is… dead?
How did this happen?
The Dragon King was murdered.
A dark mage used a terrible spell to turn him to stone.
And now that dark mage's daughter is going to find Aaravos' prison
and set him free.
We have to stop her.
Your father was my greatest rival.
But before that, ages ago, he was my friend.
Little one… I am terribly sorry.
I should have seen it before. Ha!
Long ago, it was a human who saw through the Fallen Star's schemes
and helped Xadia put an end to them.
You look so much like her.
So now that you understand, please tell us:
Where is Aaravos imprisoned?
I don't know.
[all gasps]
[door opens]
Well? Are the Horns ready?
The Horns will be there, but…
I do not think they're ready to turn against her.
Once the challenge is issued, they will follow me.
Janai is the greatest warrior in Lux Aurea!
It won't come to that. She will not fight.
Janai never wanted to be Queen.
Are you certain she will step aside?
Who knows my sister better than I do?
I am offering her a way out.
And when my sister refuses my challenge,
the Six Horns will see where strength truly lies.
Come sunrise, Miyana, we change the course of history.
[Rayla] You don't know?
But that doesn't make any sense!
Zubeia said you alone were entrusted with that knowledge!
Yes, that is true.
So if you have the knowledge, then you have to know where he is!
And yet, I do not.
Wait. It's a riddle.
Having knowledge doesn't mean knowing knowledge.
[groan] I hate this.
No, it's simple!
He possesses the knowledge of where Aaravos is imprisoned.
So it means something like…
[gasps] he has a map!
Very clever, young human.
Yeah, you always were a very clever human, weren't you, Callum?
Umbra chorum.
[ominous music playing]
[plays tune]
-[rumbling] -[trill]
Claudia, please…
[yawns] You don't have to do this…
[closing theme music playing]